How to Find Upcycled Materials and NOT Get Lost in the Process
"Where do I find upcycled materials to repurpose?"
I hear this from my Upcycle Design Masterclass students all the time. ALL THE TIME.
Every week, in fact. So, I wrote this guide to help upcycled fashion startups with what is...
The single biggest challenge when you're
launching an upcycled fashion business
Of course, there are plenty of other big challenges - such as money, getting samples made, working with a manufacturer, marketing, branding, how to sell your line, finding customers, how to get it all done, costing and pricing...
And my main goal is to guide you to...
The shortest path from your creative upcycled idea
to actually selling your upcycled line -
Even if you know nothing about starting a business.
This guide is just the beginning of what you need to know about launching an upcycled fashion line - and I'd love to teach you! But finding upcycled materials is a huge issue for most designers and you have to start somewhere, right? So, I'm starting with materials.
FREE GUIDE to Finding Upcycled Materials

How to Find Upcycled Materials and NOT Get Lost in the Process
"Noor's List": 25 + sources from around the world to find UPCYCLED materials
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