Textile Sourcing Workshop with Tara St. James of Re:Source(d)
I met Tara St. James when she was the Production Coordinator at Pratt's Brooklyn Fashion Design + Accelerator. She was one of my mentors when I was a venture fellow there for NOORISM and she is a fellow professor in sustainability at the Fashion Institute of Technology.
The journey from raw material through processing, dyeing, and finishing is complex. Sourcing raw materials, identifying the chemicals used in processing, understanding the impact of energy and water use, and analyzing finishing products and processes are just some of the considerations in developing sustainable textiles.
At Re:Source(d) Tara St. James works with her clients to help them understand these challenges and make the best sourcing decisions for their brand's sustainability strategy, aesthetic, supply chain and price point.
Mentioned in this workshop:
Tara's story of how and why she decided to start Re:Source(d)
Be able to identify sustainable alternatives for manufacturing
Learn how to incorporate sustainability into product design/manufacturing
Discover the best sustainable solutions to fit your goals
Be able to source raw materials for sustainable design
How to select the right fibers and textiles
TED's TEN Baseline Sustainable Strategies Layout
Zero Waste Patternmaking
Materials Matrix
Recycled down

Tara St James has worked in the fashion industry for over 20 years. In addition to founding her own sustainable brand, Study NY, she has consulted for both small and large brands and has a broad understanding of sustainable design and supply chain. Most recently Tara worked as Production Coordinator and Research Fellow in the Sustainable Strategies Lab for Pratt’s Brooklyn Fashion + Design Accelerator. She has recently built Re:Sourced, a sustainable textile library and sourcing service to help the industry find responsible solutions. Tara also teaches a sustainable material sourcing course at the Fashion Institute of Technology.
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How to Find Upcycled Materials and NOT Get Lost in the Process
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